Annual General Meetings/2021/Election to Board

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

2021 Election to Board

Number of seats available: 4
Candidates: 6

Winners are Guillaume Rischard, Amanda McCann, Roland Olbricht, and Mikel Maron.

  • The OpaVote result was confirmed during the Annual General Meeting by Ilya Zverev using OpenSTV.

Detailed results


Shareable link (Accessible till 12 Feb 2022 at 16:00 UTC.)

AGM2021 osmf-board-election-results-opavote.png


There are 6 candidates competing for 4 seats. The number of voters is 746 and there were 742 valid votes and 4 empty votes.

Counting votes using Scottish STV.

R|Guillaume Risc|Michal Migursk|Amanda McCann |Roland Olbrich|Mikel Maron   
 |hard          |i             |              |t             |              
 |Bryan Housel  |Exhausted     |Surplus       |Threshold     
 |              |              |              |              

1|     187.00000|      75.00000|     168.00000|     155.00000|      82.00000
 |      75.00000|       0.00000|      63.00000|     149.00000
 | Count of first choices. Candidates Guillaume Rischard, Amanda McCann, and
 | Roland Olbricht have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates
 | have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next
 | round.

2|     149.00000|      81.29920|     168.00000|     155.00000|      99.27200
 |      83.33120|       6.09760|      25.00000|     149.00000
 | Count after transferring surplus votes from Guillaume Rischard with a
 | transfer value of 38.00000/187.00000. Candidates have surplus votes so
 | surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.

3|     149.00000|      84.12645|     149.00000|     155.00000|     107.18830
 |      88.30716|       9.37809|       6.00000|     149.00000
 | Count after transferring surplus votes from Amanda McCann with a transfer
 | value of 19.00000/168.00000. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus
 | votes will be transferred for the next round.

4|     149.00000|      85.17135|     149.00000|     149.00000|     109.54900
 |      89.50686|      10.77279|       0.00000|     149.00000
 | Count after transferring surplus votes from Roland Olbricht with a
 | transfer value of 6.00000/155.00000. No candidates have surplus votes so
 | candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next
 | round.

5|     149.00000|              |     149.00000|     149.00000|     137.89201
 |     134.53426|      22.57373|       0.00000|     149.00000
 | Count after eliminating Michal Migurski and transferring votes. No
 | candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their
 | votes transferred for the next round.

6|     149.00000|              |     149.00000|     149.00000|     236.75301
 |              |      58.24699|      87.75301|     149.00000
 | Count after eliminating Bryan Housel and transferring votes. Candidate
 | Mikel Maron has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Guillaume Rischard, Amanda McCann, Roland Olbricht, and Mikel Maron.

Anonymised ballots

Downloadable from

  • OSMF website (file type .ods, file size 21 KB)
  • Opavote (Accessible till 12 Feb 2022 at 16:00 UTC.)