Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2020-06-15

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Meeting started at 15:06 UTC.



  • Charles - ZM (joined at 15:10)
  • Clifford - US
  • Eugene - PH
  • Geoffrey - UG
  • Joost - BE (left at 15:21)
  • Maggie - US (joined at 15:14)
  • Rob - UK (joined at 15:08)

Not present

  • Ben - BE
  • Patrick - CH
  • Stefano - IT


Approval of the 2020-05-18 meeting minutes

Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2020-05-18

  • Approved unanimously

Accept Charles Chilufya to the WG

Background: Charles requested by email to join the LCCWG. He is presently heading the University of Zambia YouthMappers.

  • Approved unanimously
  • Action item: Joost to add Charles to the local@osmfoundation.org mailing list.

Non-disclosure agreement

  • Has everybody signed the NDA and submitted it back to Dorothea?

LCCWG OSM user account

  • We now have a OSM user account that we can use to write OSM diary entries. Joost has forwarded the password privately to WG members via email.
  • Action item: Fill in the account profile description and link to the LCCWG page on the OSMF website.

Previous action items

Items in bold and highlighted are updates in status or new action items.
Assigned Item Status Source
Clifford Run a survey with existing chapters and chapters-to-be to get their views why they applied/will apply to become a chapter Summarisation is ongoing
(Issue #2)
2019-11 meeting
Maggie Create SotM 2020 video presentation Ongoing
(Issue #3)
2020-01 meeting
Maggie, Rob Organise Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2020 Not yet
(Issue #10)
2020-01 meeting
Joost Do a comparison of features of various OSM websites Summarisation is ongoing
(Issue #1)
2020-01 meeting
Eugene Work with OSM India to become a Local Chapter Started
(Issue #5)
2020-02 meeting
Maggie, Clifford Support the development of microcosm Ongoing
(Issue #7)
2020-02 meeting
Maggie Provide easy-to-use welcoming tool Ongoing
(Issue #8)
2020-04 meeting
Ben Update OSM website to allow messaging from groups to OSM users Ongoing
(Issue #9)
2020-04 meeting
All Sign NDA with the OSMF Ongoing Internal OSMF communication related to Local Chapters Survey

Focus items

Per the Terms of Reference, WG members should work on the focus items.

Building local community cohesion

microcosm (GL#7)

  • Updates:
  • Action item: Everyone to publicise the test instance widely so that Brian can receive more feedback.

Welcoming new mappers (GL#8)

  • Maggie and Joost contacted a few folks to have a meeting.

OSM website feature to allow messaging from groups to OSM users (GL#9)

  • No updates.

Facilitating a global exchange of ideas

Comparison of OSM websites (GL#1)

  • Updates: Joost had previously done a write-up and Rob has added additional comments.
  • Action item: Joost to finalise the report and post it as an OSM diary entry.

SotM 2020 (GL#3)

  • Updates:
    • SotMWG extended the deadline for submitting the pre-recorded video to June 21.
    • LCCWG had a short meeting last June 8. Assigned people should submit their videos by June 18.

Local Chapters and Communities Congress (LCCC) (GL#10)

  • SotM 2020 presentation will provide a form to solicit dates for the LCCC.
    • Action item: Maggie to create the form.

Improving the Local Chapters affiliation scheme

Local Chapters survey (GL#2)

  • Action item: Clifford to send a reminder to WG to provide feedback.
  • Action item: WG should make a list of recommendations.
  • Action item: Clifford to see how the WG can move forward with this task.

Working with OSM India (GL#5)

  • Updates: Eugene started contacting a few OSM users from India.

Other business

Switch back to Mumble?

  • Geoffrey: OSM/SotM Africa uses Mumble.
  • WG agreed to try going back to Mumble at least for the next meeting to see if this will resolve connectivity issues.
  • Action item: Geoffrey to instruct Charles on how to use Mumble since Charles has not used it before.

OSMF membership + LC membership

  • Action item: Maggie to submit a GitLab ticket to discuss this issue.

Next meeting

Next meeting will be on July 20 (third Monday) at 15:00 UTC using Mumble. Eugene will send a calendar invite.

Meeting ended at 16:05 UTC.