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Licence and Legal FAQ/Why CC BY-SA is Unsuitable: Difference between revisions

CC BY-SA 2.0 [9] has the following provision for attribution:
If you distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work or any Derivative Works or Collective Works, You must keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and give the Original Author credit reasonable to the medium or means You are utilizing by conveying the name (or pseudonym if applicable) of the Original Author if supplied; the title of the Work if supplied; to the extent reasonably practicable, the Uniform Resource Identifier, if any, that Licensor specifies to be associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and in the case of a Derivative Work, a credit identifying the use of the Work in the Derivative Work (e.g., "French translation of the Work by Original Author," or "Screenplay based on original Work by Original Author"). When CC BY-SA is used for user contributions as well as data distribution then the license could be interpreted as requiring all contributors names (or pseudonyms) at a minimum. This is clearly practically unworkable and has been widely ignored in the OSM community for many years. A publisher from outside the community may feel that OSM data is unsuitable for print use, as it might leave them liable for copyright infringement if any one member of the community decided to enforce the license. This is, presumably, not the intention of the community.
When CC BY-SA is used for user contributions as well as data distribution then the license could be interpreted as requiring all contributors names (or pseudonyms) at a minimum. This is clearly practically unworkable and has been widely ignored in the OSM community for many years. A publisher from outside the community may feel that OSM data is unsuitable for print use, as it might leave them liable for copyright infringement if any one member of the community decided to enforce the license. This is, presumably, not the intention of the community.
== Uncertainty and doubt over extent of derived work ==