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Licence/Licence Compatibility: Difference between revisions

"PD" data is in general compatible with OpenStreetMap however care must be taken to verify that it is actually in the Public Domain, that this is actually a meaningful concept in the territory the dataset was published in and that no third party rights are present (which for example might be the case in data produced in a "public-private partnership").
==== Open Government Licence (OGL) based termslicences ====
The [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/ Open Government Licence] is a licence originally created by the UK government, in its 2.0 and 3.0 versions it is compatible with OpenStreetMap. However the same caveats as for CC0 apply, the licence explicitly excludes rights in third party data and therefore you need to take the same steps as you would for CC0 licenced material.
