Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2020-03-23

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Meeting started at 17:07 UTC.



  • Clifford - US
  • Eugene - PH
  • Joost - BE
  • Maggie - US
  • Rob - UK

Not present

  • Ben - BE
  • Patrick - CH
  • Stefano - IT


Approval of the 2020-02-17 meeting minutes

Local Chapters and Communities Working Group/Meeting minutes/2020-02-17

  • Unanimously approved

Previous action items

Items in bold and highlighted are updates in status or new action items.
Assigned Item Status Source
All Create a page at the OSM Wiki to provide a curated list of these projects/tools and to promote this as widely as possible Closed for now 2019-10, 2019-11 meetings
Clifford Run a survey with existing chapters and chapters-to-be to get their views why they applied/will apply to become a chapter Ongoing: Survey released to target LCs and communities (2020-03-05)
(Issue #2)
2019-11 meeting
Maggie, Rob Steer WG discussion in preparation for the Local Chapters Congress session at SotM 2020 Ongoing
(Issue #3)
2020-01 meeting
Joost Do a comparison of features of various OSM websites Ongoing
(Issue #1)
2020-01 meeting
Joost Archive the LCWG GitHub repository Done during the meeting
(Issue #4)
2020-02 meeting
All Work with OSM India to become a Local Chapter Not yet
(Issue #5)
2020-02 meeting
Eugene Request OSMF Board for funding for 1 or 2 LCCWG members to attend SotM 2020 Not yet
(Issue #6)
2020-02 meeting
Maggie, Clifford Support the development of microcosm Ongoing
(Issue #7)
2020-02 meeting
All Sign NDA with the OSMF Ongoing Internal OSMF communication related to Local Chapters Survey

Focus items

Per the Terms of Reference, WG members should work on the focus items.

Building local community cohesion

We will explore and develop ideas for the Foundation support the growth of Local Chapters and local communities, including helping mappers communicate or meet up with other local mappers, and working to reduce the challenges created by the fragmented nature of OSM.


See GitLab issue #7.

  • Maggie and Clifford reached out to some Ruby developers. Maggie also reached out to Brian but haven't heard back.

Facilitating a global exchange of ideas

We will aim to provide Local Chapters and local communities with venues and communication channels to exchange ideas and share best practices in growing their communities. This may include reviving/managing the local-chapters mailing list and organizing sessions like the Local Chapters Congress during State of the Map or other events.

Comparison of OSM websites

See GitLab issue #1.

  • On the question of the target websites, the WG agreed to only focus on existing Local Chapters for now instead of also looking at other community websites.
    • Since OSM CZ had been recently approved as a Local Chapter, the OSM CZ website should be added as well.

Improving the Local Chapters affiliation scheme

We will review the role of Local Chapters within the Foundation and the interactions between them. Based on our findings we will make recommendations to the Board as to how the affiliation scheme can be improved to provide a stronger case for local communities to eventually become Local Chapters, or possibly suggest creating new affiliation models such as less-formal user groups.

Local Chapters survey

See GitLab issue #2.

  • Clifford had released the survey on March 5th to the target Local Chapters and communities. Current deadline for submission is April 11. Currently there are already 11 full responses and 18 partial responses. Clifford will sent follow-up emails to LCCs that are not done yet.
  • The WG agreed that after the survey has run, the WG will review the responses, collect any possible action items, and then write a blog post. The WG can also present the results on the next Board meeting because the Board is interested in the results of the survey.

Working with OSM India

See GitLab issue #5.

  • Clifford and Joost volunteered to look into possible avenues to tackle this task.

Other items

Status of State of the Map 2020

See GitLab issue #3 and issue #6.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the status of the State of the Map 2020 is currently uncertain and Rob (who was previously part of the SotMWG) said that there is currently no decision yet from the SotMWG but most likely they will cancel the in-person event and possibly push forward with a virtual/online event. Joost also stated that the Board did not discuss SotM during their virtual "face-to-face" meeting.

  • Action item: Eugene to formally contact the SotMWG for any updates or decisions.
  • Action item: The WG will plan an online series of Local Chapter Congress events instead using the survey results as input to planning an agenda.

Non-disclosure agreement

Background: Following the receipt of the Local Chapter Survey email by the Swiss OSM Association (SOSM), Simon Poole inquired whether the LCCWG members have already signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the OSM Foundation. Dorothea then sent out emails to WG members on March 8th with the template NDA. While the NDA was brought up in relation to the survey, the NDA covers all confidential information that WG members may have access to in the future and not just the survey data.

  • Not all WG members have signed the NDA as of the meeting.

News from the Board

  • Joost (as Board director) informed the WG that the Board is planning to invite representatives of LCs to attend the Board meeting.
  • Joost also stated that WGs are supposed to request budget annually and that the LCCWG could potentially request funds to help with the microcosm development.

Next meeting

Next meeting will on April 20 (third Monday), 17:00 UTC. Eugene will send a calendar invite.

Meeting ended at 18:02 UTC.