Working Group Minutes/EWG 2018-04-05

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

A meeting of the Engineering Working Group on 5th April 2018 via Mumble.


  • Peter Barth
  • Tobias Knerr
  • Paul Norman
  • Jo (Polyglot)
  • David (dkocich)
  • Ilya Zverev
  • Bryan Housel
  • Michael2402


Google Summer of Code 2018

We've got the list of proposals down to 11, and after grading we decided to submit 6 for the minimum number of slots, and 7 for maximum. There are some interesting and unexpected proposals this time, and many of these are well-prepared.

Then we discussed issues with some proposals, mostly on mentors' side. Turned out that for 6 best proposals we had only 3 mentors listed. After a discussion we decided to look for people in relevant areas. Mentors must be assigned before projects are accepted, but they can be replaced afterwards, even in the Summer.

Top Ten Tasks

The TTT list is finalized, Tobias wants to give it more visibility. Maybe with a blog post.

Hackathon and Bite-Sized Projects

Bryan organizes a hackathon in DC and would like EWG to help with ideas.

Which gave us an idea for the next project: compile and maintain a list of bite-sized tasks that people can do to get into OSM development. Like adding an icon to the OSM Carto style, or fixing an issue on the website. Some projects, like iD and OSM Carto, already have some issues marked as such. EWG can collect these and put into a single place, so developers know where to start.

Next Meeting

19th of April, 19:00 UTC